they said the health care law would lower costs, but a new report out this week says the mandate allowing kids to stay on their parents' plan until they're 26, that may jack up all premiums and, rich, you've been horning we're all going to pay more for a long time. >> we're all going to pay more for a long time unless it is repealed. the dirty secret of the obama care plan is that seniors will be denied coverage. that's the only way the numbers work because if you give money to the people who aren't paying in and you say you're going to keep the budget flat, then you've got to take it from elsewhere. this is a generational transfer from the old to the young. >> so neal, you now have these 26-year-old people, up to 26 who are going to be mandated to have some kind of insurance coverage and that's going to raise premiums for everybody. >> david, i think the right could stop hyper ventilating. department of health and human services hasn't even finished the regulations.