look, this is full of jargon. what is shorting? what is a derivative? i mean, it's just full of jargon. extremely difficult to understand unless you're on the inside but you make it look bad by demonizing the guys who have bet against the housing market. >> right. you used very colorf language that carl levin and they didn't cross the line. maybe the line needs to change. >> maybe so. that's what financial reform would supposedly do. >> what a perfect segue to the next item. you know, they voted on financial reform in the senate yesterday once again. they came up one vote short as well. ben nelson went over to the republican side, president of the united states barack obama addresses yesterday in the hometown of radar o'reilly. i'm talking about ottumwa, iowa. >> today, for the second time in 24 hours, senate republicans unanimously blocked efforts to even begin debating reform.