eggs and bacon on my plate with my steaming hot coffee in my cup and watching "fox & friends" and if i'm dreaming, don't wake me up. >> this is former mayor rudy giuliani. you're watching "fox & friends", one of my favorite shows. >> hey, mr. mayor. that little slogan we just had, that's how i felt this morning. extra rough, just bumped out of bed today to say good morning. >> you know why? it's the weather. but we're indoors now where we've made the temperature 72 degrees. >> thank you. >> you know what, gretchen? you, like lloyd blankfine may be having a little trouble getting out of bed today. >> i hope i'm not lloyd today. >> no kidding. lloyd blankfine, the guy that runs -- he's the c.e.o. at goldman-sachs. he's going to be sitting in the hot seat later today where he's going to talk about the downfall of the stock market and the housing market and everything else. he will essentially be congress'

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