international monetary fund saying the world needs to get it get in -- to get in line, saying the fabric of our financial stability is very much at stake here. take a look at the debt clock. we always keep an eye on that. this is a running count of how much the united states owes right now. we're hovering just under $13 trillion. that's roughly $41,000 per citizen. president obama set to meet with his newly formed debt commission to find out what to do about it. in the meantime, steve moore joins us from the "wall street journal". steve, good to see you. >> 'good morning. gregg: is it a risk that nations may have wracked up so much debt they're not going to be able to borrow enough money to pay their bills and could that happen to the u.s.? >> no question. that's a real risk right now. and the problem we have in the global financial system is not just that the united states is borrowing record apartments -- amounts of money, you talked about the