it will all make sense, we promise. proaching... take your time. ♪ i have visual. steady. [ male announcer ] careful, this cheese is loaded. thanks. [ male announcer ] new deli deluxe bacon cheddar. bursting with cheddar and a blast of real bacon. can you hand me some mustard while you're in there, too? [ birds chirping ] ♪ ok, iyou're one of those round the clock, we-never-close, 24 types who doesn't get paid until the job gets done, the last thing you need is a truck that doesn't have the stones to bring home the benjamins. no problem. introducing the all new 2011 super duty. thanks to its all-new ford-built power stroke diesel, you get it all. the most horsepower. the most torque. the most payload. the most towing. and the best fuel economy. it's payday. the all-new super duty.