get better here with government growing and bureaucracy a boomtown. drum roll, please! now, the easiest city in the nation to find a job, technology tops these case in hiring, so san jose and silicon valley, the best spot to be without a job, it's just about even with the nation's capital in job seekers trying for advertised jobs, about one-to-one. so, do you know the way to san jose? back to you, juliet. >> brenda buttner, thank you very much. jobs in the video game industry may be looking up. according to mpd group, total video sales about 6% last month. includes games and accessories, following two months ever double digit declines. and mpd says strong offerings from nintendo, sony and microsoft helped to lead to 1 1/2 billion dollars in march sales, that's the silver lining, but analysts say sales overall are still down compared to this time last year. following recent health care