>> bill: let's connect the dots. what is "newsweek" trying to accomplish with their coverage story? >> do i have to say the word propaganda? is that what i have to say? >> bill: for what purpose though? what do they want to convince america is happening? >> everything is grand. everything is great. >> bill: to help whom? >> what have you done with bill o'reilly? i demand to see -- you are not bill o'reilly. you can't connect the dots? i can but i. >> bill: i can but i want you to do that. >> then they target me and leave you alone. and say bill is just the nicest guy ever. he is the greatest guy ever. he is using me as a meat shield and i don't like it. >> bill: you think you they are trying to prop the president up? >> yeah. i think what they're doing is -- really the hate from the right as the hate is fox news and america is all fixed. it's magical. magically delicious. we have stars. we have got magical moons.