school to keep tabs on their kids when actually at school. check this out, a boy who attends this school outside of philly, yes, that's him, sleeping in his bed, this picture taken by a creb cam that school officials embedded into computers they issued to students, students took the computers home. it turns out we're learning that thousands and thousands of pictures were taken of kids inside their homes and they didn't know about it, they didn't know it was happening. our guest has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of blake, that is his son in the picture. michael robbins is on the phone with us now. michael, what have you learned since the last time we spoke to you about this case, about just how many more photographs are out there? >> well, based on what my attorney has received from the school district, tell council -- legal counsel, there were over 400 pictures taken of my son and that doesn't include picture that is they claim were downloaded and deleted that we don't even know about. jane: and in terms of your case, where are you at this point?