old church, 235th anniversary of paulry veer's ride, he awakened america to the fact that our freedom is in danger. we're going to get it back. megyn: going to be yelling one if ti land, two if by sea! it's interesting, because i think the obama very much also this is a losing platform and the polls suggest the american people are behind it nonetheless. >> we will see. megyn: we'll watch it, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. folks, what do you think? kelly at foxnews.com. coming up in about 22 minute, shepard smith takes over on studio b. >> do you like paying these extra taxes this year? >> love it. can't get enough taxes! >> you're not alone. today on studio b you will meet the man who is the cofounder of an organization, a millionaire, who says i am down with being taxed more. i like being taxed more. i'm glad the bush tax repeal -- or the bush tax cuts are being repealed, i want to pay more money and i'd like