nuclear program is for generating electricity, not making bombs. rescue teams now giving up the search for a missing u.s. navy pilot whose plane crashed in the perks gulf three days ago a navy spokesperson says the plane went down in the north arabian sea with mechanical problems. three crew members survived that crash but officials declaring the 31-year-old pilot dead. the e-2-c hawkey was returning from a mission from afghanistan in route to the uss eisenhower. we're told the ukraine born pilot was from columbus, ohio. he had served in the u.s. navy for eight years. five people killed in one of the nation's most deadly oil refinery accidents. now as the investigation moves forwards, officials may be looking for prior safety records for clues about what happened. that's ahead. plus, where is wilson. an intense search for missing sixth grader who vanished a week ago. we will talk with the family's uncle about how the family is