fox news strategic analyst and author of the book "endless war" which deals with the war on terror. all right. so let's take the president's afghanistan trip first. you know, i said it was a good thing. you want to show the troops that you are engaged with them and this terrible conflict and he did that. what say you? >> well, i'm glad the commander and chief finally found a couple minutes for our war. but, bill, nobody in the white house was thinking. now, whatever motus the president may have had by arriving after dusk and leaving just after midnight, spending six hours in afghanistan during the night, the message he sent to our enemies, to our allies and to everybody in the region was afghanistan is so unstable the u.s. president is afraid to be there during daylight hours. point one. point two, come on. six hours, including two hours of karzai, quick dinner at the presidential palace, 20 minute photo op. with our troops at the safest base in afghanistan.