with where he's going there. >> greta: the tea party movement i think most agree if it going to keep any votes it is taking votes from the republican party. is the tea party movement going to have an impact on this primary where senator mccain is being challenged by j.d. hayworth? >> absolutely. that's why we are making a point to point out that tea party leaders are not opposing john mccain. they are supporting his mission too, to rein in the get of government. they are saying we are taxed enough already that's what john mccain is saying too. i'm proud to be part of the tea party movement, proud to point out tea party movement participants in the crowd. they are cheering on john mccann they know we are all fighting for the same thing the future of this great country he's part of the tea party movement. they are going to be impacting for john. >> greta: it seems in looking