health care coverage and irs agents will have to verify that and then you'll get fined for this and they'll handle that. >> right, here is the level of. here is what can happen. you will get a fine, a tax, you will get an obligation that you're going to have to pay to the federal government unless you have the prescribed mandated coverage that the federal government tells you, if you have an irs refund coming, they can confiscate that. they're in all likelihood going to have he bes panned audit authority and the ability to come in and audit to make sure. look, this is going to be done on a month by month basis, if you can believe it and that's why the public is saying, come on, enough of this. let's focus on bringing costs down. >> all right, congressman thank you for waking up and dealing with this this morning before you have to head over to the hill. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> coming up here on the show, incredibly disturbing video. a baby sitter caught on camera throwing, slapping, kicking, a 11 month old baby. judge jeanine pirro weighs in on