>> molly: as we just saw, terror groups working inside somalia made new threats against the u.s. in recent days, but are these threats credible? let's ask fox news terror analyst, waleed phsris. who joins me from miami. if the u.s. launches an offensive in that area, it's ready to quote, drag the american dead bodies through the streets of mogadishu again, referring back to the 1993 blackhawk down attack. why is this area so critical to u.s. interests and are we more prepared for a fight there now than say we were in 1993? >> well, actually the region is extremely important not just for the united states, but international trade, international communication, keep in mind between somalia and yemen, you have the passage for oil trade and that's exactly what al-qaeda international is trying to do, by mobilizing and reaching out to the jihad inside somalia, doing as a couple of months ago with the activities in

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