they saying? >> reporter: that's the a really good question because we reported that acorn's chapters are reorganizing and changing their names in several places under different groups apparently to shed the acorn moniker. today in a statement from bertha lewis, the head of acorn, she said it was an unconstitutional attack and in part said, quote, all of us suffer when a politically-motivated frenzy feeds a rush to judgment. after nearly two years of continual attack by the extreme right aided by many who should have known better, she says, acorn has now been exonerated in many forums, but it's still unclear how this federal money would be used with these new groups that have been kind of reincorporated in the acorn offices. jon: so they've got their money back, they've got their cash cow in congress, i guess, pumping the money back in, but are they still having troubles? >> reporter: yeah. she says they rely mostly on private donations, but there are more problems. you know all those slew of voter