talk to us on the record, but it has to do with the name of the business. it's called constitution arms. they don't like the idea of having that plastered on the back or front of little kids' little league uniforms. one committee member said, quite frankly, we have our hands full running the league and deciding things like whether or not the infield fly rule should apply to 9-year-olds. base create, they think -- basically, they think it'll be a distraction, and they don't want to keel with it. jane: what does the owner of the gun shop say? >> reporter: well, he doesn't buy it. he's a proud gun dealer and owner, he says kids should learn about firearm safety, the second amendment, and he staid what about the bars? what about the chicken place called cluck you? he said that could be deemed offensive to certain people, so he doesn't think there's anything wrong with him, a local businessman, selling a legal product. [laughter] here, take a listen. >> i wanted to be able to