>> julie: if you have kids and you know what a battle it is to get them to eat, forget about getting them to eat healthy but getting them to eat in your case, right. >> gregg: that is true and there's a study, in the journal of health affairs. finds over 25% of child's calories are coming from... that's right, junk food, snacks. so, how do we get our kids to eat more fruits and vegetables? joining us now, fox news medical a-team dr. marc siegel. children are eating more snacks. why is that, when i was a kid, there were no snacks in school, you were not allowed to have them. now, you have to give your children snacks, in school. >> the problem is... this is an important study out of north carolina. over the past 30 years, showing an incredible trend, the fault is us. parents. teachers. i don't have meals at home, i started to look at this, by the way and i'm always on the run with my blackberry and running around and my wife, on the computer, the kids pick up on