30% of those that we can identify as people who have been suicide bombers, have been gitmo detainees. so they've gone back not just to shoot and kill americans but to kill themselves as well. >> greta: the other reasons i wanted to bring you here is, 65 years iwo jima a battle that -- people study so much about the european theater in with with two. iwo jima was an incredible battle. >> it was bloodiest battle of world war ii. begins 19th of february doesn't end until the 26th of march, three divisions, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 30,000 marines against 22,000 japanese defenders in that contest, you have more americans killed and wounded than japanese defenders. all of world war ii, where the odds were so stacked against americans and had you more american casualties overall than you did japanese. the japanese in most cases fought to the death.