in the audience look stupid. >> mike: was there a time early in your life you said i want to be a comedian? when did it happen? >> i was eight years old. i was funniest kid in school. preschool on. >> thrown out of class a lot? >> i did. >> mike: i knew that! >> all good natured stuff. i was never disrespectful to my teachers, if you can believe that. >> mike: i don't believe that. >> i wasn't. you but i was disruptive is what i was. i was eight years old. my parents living in chicago, from chicago, and my parents took me to see jimmy durante at the palmer house in downtown chicago. i remember watching him and i was so mystified by him, and also the audience, it was so exciting. on the way home, the drive home i said to my parents is that job? they said yes, that's a job. i said that's the job i want. >> mike: at 8 years old. >> yeah. >> mike: worked out well for you. >> worked out well. i'm happy. i'm with you! >> mike: audience, that's supposed to be good, you