was executed. there have been copy cat attempts, september of 2004 a guy named gayle nettles was arrested after trying to purchase a half ton of amona nitrate and he was convicted later. as for planes, frank eugene quarter, 38, a history of alcohol and drug abuse tried to crash a single engine cessna into the white house in 1994. he died in the crash. he came up a few feet short of hitting the building. the plane was stolen from baltimore and it was embarrassing to the authorities and secret service n2002, a 15-year-old boy crashed a cessna into a tampa office building leaving a note he sported osama bin laden. charles j bishop, plowing into a bank of america applause -- plaza building.

Related Keywords

Guy ,Ton ,Copy Cat Attempts ,Gayle Nettles ,Amona Nitrate ,September ,September Of 2004 ,2004 ,Golf Cluba Crash ,Planes ,History ,Feet ,White House ,Engine Cessna ,Drug ,Alcohol ,Abuse ,Frank Eugene ,1994 ,38 ,Murrah Federal Building ,Plane ,Authorities ,Old Boy ,Secret Service ,Cessna ,Baltimore ,15 ,Note ,Charles J ,Plaza Building 911 ,Applause ,Plowing ,Bank Of America ,Osama Bin Laden ,Tampa ,

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