on the project for -- to keep busy during the winter months when i'm out of work. alisyn: what is the temperature in there. >> caller: about 30 to 45. alisyn: 30 to 45 and speaking of all the future girlfriends you will get with this, do you have a phone line in there for them to call? >> caller: no, i do not, but i have a cell phone soit they can give that a ring. bill: you have quite a creation, my friend and quite an imagination and are you in there, by the way, right now. >> caller: no, i'm not. bill: when you go back out there, make sure you turn on the fox news channel because you have cable. >> caller: absolutely! bill: good man, jimmie. alisyn: good luck with that. i'm sure there are some hearty women who will soon be vikz ysi you after they're. bill: well done, jimmie, tell your buddies we said hey, he is perfect for that. alisyn: he is, but i don't know, most women don't like to be cold all the time! bill: we're getting breaking news from the world of toyota

Related Keywords

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