pointed out, as soon as the white house heard cheney was going on they trotted out biden. biden did fine. i only have a minute. who has more credibility, mary katharine on all issues, cheney or biden and why? i will give juan the last word. >> i think that, you know, people don't trust cheney on certain other issues. on terror, he is the tough guy. he knows what he is talking about. he has been through this for eight years. he worked on -- the owe. >> bill: not necessarily on other issues. >> not necessarily on other issues. this is a good one for him to be talking about and they are buying. >> bill: what about biden and cheney, who has more credibility, juan? >> i think that people like the idea that there is somebody who is a hard case when it comes to terror. but if you look at vice president cheney's numbers, he is extremely unpopular with the american people. they see him as extremist in this regard. you notice, president bush, he would be the most credible. he hasn't come out and done. this clearly, the vice president