>> bret: okay. welcome back, it's a friday lightning round, your choice online. we had the vote and the pick was charles krauthammer's wild card pick. we have a live shot, i think, of one of the roads around downtown washington. you can see the traffic barely moving there. it's even worse when you get downtown. i think on the phone we have the man. charles krauthammer. charles? >> yeah. hi, how are you? >> bret: you haven't moved for like an hour and a half? >> no. i haven't moved. i'm in downtown hell, which is what washington is after a snow storm. it turns out it freezes over the day after the storm when people are trying to get home. >> bret: all right. so we had to get you on the phone because you won overwhelmingly. your choice online. so what's the question? >> again, i remain humbled by their confidence of the voters. here is my question. the president has invited the president to a summit on health care at the end of the month. you are a republican strategist. do you boycott purely out of