people are beginning to realize if they go the third party route they're thing go to win. third parties don't win. so the tea party is in polls now, if there were a tea party party is it's in last place in aniger ney jenany gene. >> where does the tea party fall on the conservative line? zero being center and ten being far, far, far right. where is tea party? >> there are certain people in the tea party that are extre right. you could say it's a little less than 10%. small number. but the majority of people in the tea party you say are 7, 8. because they really believe in conservatism but they believe we have to get good conservative people or as conservative as they can be in office. they realize the reality, lot of them of getting people to office. >> vice president joe biden the other night with larry king said sarah palin, you know, she doesn't really appeal to most americans. do you agree? >> it depends on who your