rests. >> reporter: well, memory is hazy, but that photograph captures one of two things that i could possibly speculate. one is a black tie program in progress, the other is my fox news colleagues captured in the act of paying a back-handed compliment of some kind. however, i, too, megyn, like to save photographs as well, and i've brought one that perhaps our viewers would also like to see. [laughter] this is you, me, and our colleague, molly hennen berg, and i just think you look fabulous in that dress you're not wearing. [laughter] megyn: i've never seen that gal before in my life. james rosen with breaking news on capitol hill. back to the snow, james. >> reporter: thank you. megyn: see ya. well, some on the political left are now calling on the president to ditch his inner circle of advisers. just ahead, tucker carlson and doug schoen have some thoughts on which members of the team could and should get the boot. plus, megan mccain making some