that's our dot com is with us alex good to see you and your spanish meteorologist has tweeted the following how is coming is it really going to be that dramatic well it feels like hell when you're outside when it's 40 degrees celsius and those are the temperatures we are expecting in large parts of europe in southern germany are they we will have $39.00 or $48.00 in on wednesday in france we're looking into temperatures are $4344.00 in southern areas already today and tomorrow and there are other countries sweating also for example eastern europe will have 3637 percent that's for sure and that is due to. heed to that is coming our way well let's talk about it because it's only aged. sure europe is already sizzling how normal is this fit in the pattern the weather pattern that you usually observe normally we would expect these kind of heat waves more in july and august and so it's very unusual that this is already or korea now at the end of june but the the weather pattern is