analysis institute in chennai and an international lawyer welcome to both of you mr millet if i can just start with you this portrait threat from islamic state threatening attacks in the region how soon. they should be take these warnings we should take this warnings very seriously and as you know bangladesh since two thousand and sixteen has had a very proactive approach towards countering terrorism and violent extremism and we take all these threats and warnings very seriously and quickly act upon it and that's why we have had a dramatic reduction in the number of attacks in the last one obvious but of this is already talked about islamic state not being present there but there's of course there's homegrown terror from john model mujahideen in bangladesh among those has been dealing with what is the strategy that bangladesh has been adopting to try and fight terrorism with this has taken a two pronged strategy one we have released and then the capacity to degrade and destroy operational networks of militant groups but at the same time hand in hand