down to the southern state of car not to crowd to meet with one such young candidate who heavily uses force and we did reach out to waters to find out how he's appealing to the masses while also ensuring that he told the line that the election commission a strong. well we're going to go party or this is be just recently he's about to turn to the south indian city of bengal to have a lawyer and an aspiring member of parliament for joining us but out of order because there are people at twenty eight he is the youngest candidates from the ruling b.g.p. to contest these elections. as temperatures soared above thirty five degrees on this afternoon be just three goes out of his read to greet him the knowledge every constituent t.c. each not in week is on the beautiful works. but despite the palpable excitement of supporters and party locals the politician is at best reaching a few hundred overtrain sweltering odds. on twitter just we can reach over one