a look. this is not a computer game real virtual manufacturing workstations are being constructed here using these virtual reality glasses the planet can instantly see how wide the passages are and whether the materials can be easily reached by the employees bucks plan has been in development for two and a half years already six companies from different sectors of put in orders for the software their father just as it's been on for the advantages that from the outset i can experience of my own body how the assembly point works how the workstation functions i pick up a part to move it from one place to another i can incorporate the actual physical experience of how i pick it up into the planning in that plot of. the manufacturing process doesn't just require the right workstations these days it also needs a range of sensors in this system for example a microphone has been integrated it monitors background noise. never these kind of noises appear the system sounds the alarm just like a person it notices when something is wrong. it will be small solutions for