can anticipate that and then as i mentioned it going up all the way through potentially to the supremum court where it will be met with of course chief justice brett kavanaugh now he's someone in the past who has said that he is in favor of an expansion of presidential powers because what we're talking about here is not just the fundamentals for example of what's actually happening at the southern border and whether that constitutes a national emergency we're talking about the separation of powers preserving that so this really goes to the heart of the u.s. constitution. and taking it to supreme court knowing big capital now sits on the supreme court does that mean the president can just easily eat nor distribute from congress and count on the court to rule in his favor. i don't think the president will ignore this rebuke anyway because although it is

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Way ,Favor ,Supremum Court ,Someone ,Course ,Brett Kavanaugh ,Separation ,Powers ,Emergency ,Example ,Border ,Fundamentals ,Expansion ,President ,Supreme Court Knowing Big Capital ,Heart ,Us Constitution ,Rebuke ,Court ,Us Congress ,

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