were taken from afghanistan after nine eleven many of them were dictated but they were never really condemned and yet they were kept there because it is so hard in a war and with all the chaos and without any authorities in a situation like that to afterwards actually prove something that's why you had war tribunals afterwards that took decades for example the war in yugoslavia it's just very very difficult and that of course plays into what i said earlier the risk is if you take these people back even if they're if they did horrible things you might not have the evidence to prove that in indeed you do not even have the evidence in some cases to say these are not germans or these are germans it's just a very chaotic situation you have to always keep that in mind these people don't come with little cards with pictures it's hard to imagine in the world where we live where it seems like every part of our life is photographed and you always have evidence for something with surveillance cameras all over the place but of course