anything even if it's just fifty cents if you use a payment app you'd be flooded out with receipts it would be quite difficult to check that everything had been booked correctly i mean up the blue from. things big question is what happens to the data that we leave behind and. the time we pay for something believes it's outrageous that users are forced to sign a blanket agreement with each payment provider and then don't really know what happens to their data afterwards. and if the new or when i would only have a choice if i had an option of saying no can and maybe i have to pay a fee of twenty euros a month in return or mourner. diviner i have a choice and it's my own fault if i sign up but if i don't have their choice to do or die. or disturb so what do online payment services do without data to find out the students take a look at the terms and conditions detailed on their websites they begin with pay