year's world cup in the group stage with the worst showing in their group is the team and its leadership too old to satisfied to self aggrandizing germany in the summer of twenty eighteen the country have a problem with its elites. going there but here it does the pro country is it mismanaged business politics is there a crisis with the chairman to lead them you loose i mean you know when you win the world cup like you that you want to win the world cup for the european song contest next time and it's quite low and yes they probably could have done better but my god i mean the pressure these people are on the to have to deliver every time you know i would say the carcass of the card crisis was collusion between the car industry and politics they knew the problem the politicians had put them under pressure to deliver clean diesel which isn't clearly isn't possible and then they realise we have to work on each other so i do think there's a problem there but i've i've been here for almost twenty years and i've seen these