from one nine hundred sixty two one thousand nine hundred ninety six what amala was subjected to the worst repression in latin american history thousands of people were murdered or disappeared in two thousand and twelve a group of citizens who had taken their case to the enter american court of human rights obtained a judgment against the state of guatemala as part of their compensation the families requested that a documentary be made and financed by the guatemalan government the state failed to comply with the ruling and the point came when the families were no longer willing to wait this is their documentary and seeming to emerge in the delivery van arrived to expect them in fifty a thick yes they had planned it all carefully how you want to put it. they blocked off the road and drove a white van into the door to gain access to the apartment. down for months and found them in a few climbed up this window grate and that's what i am being it had only been

Related Keywords

People ,Group ,Human Rights ,Ninety Six ,Citizens ,Case ,Court ,Kamala ,Latin American History Thousands ,Repression ,Nine Hundred Sixty Two ,One ,Two Thousand And Twelve ,One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Six ,The State ,Families ,Documentary ,Part ,Compensation ,Point ,Guatemala ,Estate ,Judgment ,Ruling ,Yes ,Delivery Van ,Fifty ,Door ,Apartment ,Window Grate ,Few ,Van ,Road ,Access ,

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