a good track here when using the weed killer as license would have required sixteen votes in favor antique life is a campaigners are hailing the outcome as a victory. more sun wanted fifteen more years and they can even get five as we saw today. this is the seventh time that the commission has tried to ring you back to say it has failed and it's clear that the overwhelming majority of citizens across europe want a ban on guy for safety and now it's up to there were ten commissioners and they used to seal. the lead on this toxic chemical the current authorization for life estate expires may december in the case of another failure to reach a consensus the commission could push through an extension but he would prefer governments to make the call. i'm going to stay in agriculture now can genetically modify plants save farmers livelihoods that's the hope and uganda where current crop failures are provoking the government to take action but organic farmers will

Related Keywords

License ,Sun ,Votes ,Weed Killer ,Track ,Campaigners ,Victory ,Outcome ,Favor Antique Life ,Fifteen ,Sixteen ,Citizens ,Commission ,Europe ,Commissioners ,Safety ,Guy ,Ban ,Majority ,Ten ,Five ,Consensus ,Failure ,Authorization ,Seal ,Extension ,Life Estate ,Case ,Chemical ,Lead ,Government ,Farmers Livelihoods ,Plants ,Farmers ,Action ,Governments ,Crop Failures ,Hope ,Agriculture ,Uganda ,Call ,

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