we able to manage that we see no glaciers and polar ice melting as we saw there in a report in ocean levels rising and it is clear that low lying islands like fiji for example would be the first victims of global warming what parts of the world do you think are going to be next to be so severely impacted by climate change. well we see impacts of climate change basically everywhere these heard about the arctic we have seen a melting ice the learn from rain forest nations fear for their livelihoods and for their forest survivals we see an unprecedented he'd raise in europe extreme events in the us flooding in china extreme and soon in south asia so i don't really think there's any region in the world that spared by climate impacts and so we all the same boat or the same canoe as if you jian prime minister said yesterday all right a call to action there for the delegates at the un climate summit in bonn karl predicts slicer researcher with climate analytics thank you very much for joining us on our program thank you. now it has been one year since donald