saying we need to adopt, you know, critical-race theory. i think, he is saying we need to understand what it's about. i think there is value in understanding different viewpoints. now, getting the issue of whether to implement this in military teaching is something different. but -- but i think the bottom line is everything that led to that is this new kind of -- well, it's not really new but it's really accelerated -- just trying to stoke outrage and division. and i think you saw that with the questions. were intended to basically stoke outrage and division. and i wish people would depoliticize the military. its job is to defeat our enemies, or be willing to do that. that's the job of the military. if we want to debate all these other issues, we can debate them. but i think the military just needs to go out and do what it does. and -- and you have so many on -- i guess, on both sides. but i can be particularly critical of my side, as a republican. that are just out trying to stoke darkness, fear, division, over and over because it gets retweets, it gets ya likes.