ought to do is punish people at the pumps and punish the working class of the country. >> okay, and so let's put infrastructure to the side for a second. let's talk, before i let you go, i want to talk about january 6th. i want to talk about where we are with a potential house investigation or a bipartisan commission. where do you think things stand right now? we heard from sheila jackson lee, your colleague, yesterday. she thinks that leader schumer may take another stab at tin the senate. do you see that happening as well, or do you think this ultimately comes back to house democrats? >> i do think leader schumer will take another stab at it, and i think senator manchin has been trying to get up to ten republicans onboard. i don't understand why this can't be bipartisan, especially considering the person most at risk during the insurrection was vice president pence. those who committed violence didn't discriminate between democrats and republicans. they threatened both. we should put politics aside and come together. that would be ideal. if not, i'm confident the speaker will formulate a select committee. we will get to the bottom of