juneteenth a federal holiday. there are things that we can be doing to heal a country and bring these divisions together and that's what we really should all be focused on, rather than focused on the division. how can we come together and make our country better? i have two kids and i'm a single mom and i want a bright future for my children and all children, and so those are the things that i'm working really hard to achieve. >> but just to be clear, and i want to get to the example you point out about bipartisanship with aumf and we will but in terms of theories that some republicans are trying to whitewash this, it wasn't a big deal, a tourist event and one republican on the hill wouldn't even shake one of the officer's hands, officer fanone's hands, dore you condemn that? >> i can't imagine anyone not shaking the officers' hands, those who were there to protect us and staff members on the hill.