to hurry things along the genius architect brunelleschi came up with a way to slash lunch breaks. the workmen, when they were building this, guys had to come down and make their lunch, they would lose all this time. so he found out what they were cooking and he put ovens up there and they would just cook up there, make their lunch up there. >> that doesn't sound... really? >> supposedly. money was tight on our year abroad, so our family lived in slightly less grandeur than this. >> this is a lot cleaner than it used to be. >> it's very clean. just north of the city center, in this building. not the whole thing, you understand. >> tucci: so our apartment was those four windows? one, two, three, four? that was us on the end there, right? >> yeah. >> joan: it was nice. >> tucci: you'd never travelled. >> joan: no. my parents you know, mom and pop said, "why are you going?" you know. >> your parents, who came from italy? >> who came from italy it was