but you have to let these investigations take their course. we got to be very careful, chris, not to jump to conclusions because that's how these narratives get built that actually end up being false in the long run. >> guys only say what you're saying right now when they're on the short side of the stick. this isn't what your brothers and sisters in the party were saying when it was about carter page, right? it was these people are going after him with a fisa warrant, it was wrong. we know that a grand jury subpoena is nowhere near the level of scrutiny you need to get a fisa warrant. just because -- the bar here isn't whether or not the grand jury subpoenas were warranted, that's a very low bar of probative recognition. it's that they kept expanding and kept looking even after senior staffers said there's nothing here. that's the suspicious part and they happen to be the people that president trump hated most. >> well, two things on that point, number one, i speak for myself, what people say in the party, that's up to them.