we have to turn people away from our hospitals for medical care. >> have you heard from governor desantis when you make this argument to him? >> we are trying to get a meeting with the governor. he's quite busy as am i. so we're getting our schedules together to do this. we're trying to make him understand that while there -- florida is a big state. there are 45 million people in the caribbean that are black and brown that count on him to make sure that these travelers that are coming to our shores keep safe, are vaccinated and do have some responsibility to the countries as well as us as americans in the caribbean. >> right now 42.6% of the u.s. is fully vaccinated. virgin islands, 31.1%. neither is half way through, right? is it safe in your view to restart not just the cruise business but opening up a place like the virgin islands to tourism? >> i think we're a model of