more, and there's going to be a whole series of investigations as to what happened, how it happened, and why it happened, so it doesn't happen again. >> apparently according to "the new york times," some of the investigators felt like they had run down the leads and the investigation had come toon end. they didn't have enough go forward and they were discussing that, but bill barr said, no, keep digging. you had william barr for some reason not listening to the investigators here. that's clearly one area where the guardrails went down. >> yeah. clearly. if the agents did come back and say, hey, look, we looked into what you asked, we couldn't find anything that is correct's certainly a problem. i want to put it into context though. during the russia investigation, we had an fbi agent manufacturing evidence. he changed evidence presenting to the court to make sure that that investigation went forward. he's going to go to jail for that.