>> believe the other guy is an inside animal -- >> none. studies show there was a fear of the far left. that's all political gobbledygook. that has nothing to do with reality. if you look at the studies and listen to the people who donie o'sullivan interviews -- >> i love him. he talks to conspiracists and cult followers. we didn't have -- look, here's what i'm saying. not to get too far afield. this d.o.j. story is proof that trump was everything said he was against. the whole virtue to him for trump people that they clung to was he's different than the others, he won't do the same bad things. he is not a politician so he says lots of stupid stuff but he'll stop their games. he was the game. he is the ugliest example of the game. i have never seen anybody get a d.o.j. to do what he did here.