even trump could have been right on one narrow thing. it's important saying china has to be held accountable and we have to hold ourselves accountable. so it's really important, a big step forward today. the biden move to call for a full investigation by u.s. intelligence, i think that's great and there's a lot more work that also needs to be done. >> i want you to explain why it was wrong for him to cancel the probe. was he just replacing one of trump's with his own? >> well, when the biden team came to the state department, like with any new administration, there are a lot of decisions that needed to be made. there was this probe that was looking into the origins of the pandemic. as a matter of fact, i spoke earlier today with one of the leaders. i think there was just some administrative decisions that were made and this process was shut down. i think it was a mistake. that doesn't mean that everything should be condemned because i think we need to be really dig.