i don't care what your parents say or what anybody thinks. all that pressure is self-imposed, it's not real. you don't have to have yourself figured out right now. you just have to put one foot in front of the other, and i think the most exciting thing is not knowing what's coming around the corner and just jumping and taking that step. i think that's the most important thing is having the bravery and the courage to do that. tell you what, if i had a time machine, the one time in my life i would go back to is right after graduation. that moment after graduation i would relive that in seconds. so you have it good, just remember that. >> we are just moments away from our first musical performance by the laguardia high school show choir and dance ensemble. they'll have a beautiful backdrop at the art installation at the green at lincoln center. right now we're going to hear from a rising star in the arts. a graduating high school senior from nashville. she's also a finalist to be the national youth poet laureate.