political analyst michael shear, also white house correspondent for "the new york times," and jay newton small, contributor to "time" magazine. jay, what's your reaction to this memo? >> it would seem to really mix politics and work environments. and that's something that traditionally doesn't really happen in the united states where you're not forced to actually take part in politics, each person has their own politics, you don't have to say who you voted for. so to say that you're required as part of your job to be paid and be eligible for overnight -- overtime benefits to go they political rally, not necessarily something pertinent or necessary to your job would seem very abnormal. it's just not what the norm is in the united states for these kind of things. >> michael, according to this memo, employees were directed to arrive at 7:00 a.m., we know the event didn't start until 2:00. no lunchboxes allowed, breakfast provided but not lunch. the memo was not distributed by