with the president on tv here. he said he no longer supports the president -- >> they were dating? >> one of the reasons he gave -- one of the reasons he gave as he told anderson last night in a follow-up interview is the president is giving people like scaramucci a license to hate. let's play that. >> so people want to criticize me for speaking out now, that's legitimate. but there's others that feel that way and they don't have the courage to speak out. and so what i'm asking them to do is think about it. when you go to bed tonight and you're thinking about your country don't focus on your wallet or pocketbook but focus on what's right for america. is this normal? is this the way to handle things in america? >> there's an old african-american or negro proverb that says we been done told you this. i see my democratic colleagues all over the country running for president. everyone's calling the president