weeks. a first for a rap record. >> the album is called "licensed to ill." that's a stupid name for an album. ♪ wake up late for school, man, you don't want to go ♪ ♪ you ask your mom please but she still says no ♪ >> hip-hop was our baby. this was our culture. this was our music. we created it. and then, here come the beastie boys and we were afraid we were going to lose it. ♪ you got to fight for your right to party ♪ >> then when we started listening to their music they really were funky and they could really get busy. so we were like, okay, all right. ♪ i love brass monkey but i won't give d. it♪ ♪ we got the bottle you got the cup ♪ ♪ come on, everybody, let's get ♪ >> beastie boys come out with what people thought would be a pop hip-hop group. it was straight hip-hop. beastie boys was dope, if you know what i mean. ♪ brass monkey junkie