they don't call out the owner of their team and kenny stills did that. so i think that's important to understand that he's taking the stand right as we're starting the nfl season. >> so, doug, why do you say this is all about political correctness and it's an outrage culture that plays into trump's hands? >> well, i don't think it's all about that. i think people are approaching this seriously. i tell you, i had my mind changed on some of this a little bit earlier tonight. i was at a birthday party for a friend. it included some people -- some friends that were gay. happy birthday, matt dornic, by the way. they told us this is how it impacts us if we go to equinox gym. i understand that. i'd say at the same time there is political correctness that certaily goes into this issue that makes it very difficult. you mentioned hudson yards. if you want to boycott hudson yards, that also means you're boycotting jose andres' restaurant little spain. and there's been nobody who has been a fierce r supporter than